Membership Engagement Agreement

We thank Creative Interventions for this template!

  • Creativity - Solutions to interpersonal conflict can emerge out of a creative process.

  • Collectivity or Community Responsibility - We believe that conflict is not an individual problem and that solutions also cannot be individual. It takes all of us to end harm. The actions of a group (if done well) can be much wiser, healthier, effective and long-lasting than those carried out by an individual.

  • Holism - Solutions to interpersonal conflict can involve consideration for the health and wellbeing of everyone involved in and affected by the harm – this includes the survivors or victims of the harm; people doing the harm; and friends, family and community. We also want our solutions to keep communities whole. This does not mean that abusive relationships or families necessarily need to stay together, but this does mean that they may be able co-exist peacefully in the same community or transform to healthier, more cooperative and respectful relationships.

  • Safety - We are interested in creating safety in all of its forms (physical, emotional, sexual, economic, spiritual and so on).

  • Risk-Taking - While we prioritize safety, we also believe that it sometimes takes risks to create more safety in the long-run. Safety may require action which has the potential to increase short-term risk or danger in order to reach long-term goals.

  • Accountability - All of us have our own role and responsibility to take in ending harm. Community-based solutions for repair require that we all step up and think about the ways we may have contributed to harm, the ways we may need acknowledge and make amends for our contribution to harm, and the ways we can take action to make sure that harm does not continue and that healthy alternatives can take its place. We can all contribute to expanding opportunities to challenge harm and contribute to liberation. Although any of us may be thinking of our own unique situation of harm when creating a community-based response to conflict, our successes lead to new changes and transformations for everyone involved.

  • Transformation - We believe that everyone involved in harm can go through positive change. What is needed is a model for taking action which believes that healthy change is possible for all – and can also take realistic and sometimes difficult steps to create an environment in which long-term change can be supported.

  • Flexibility - Situations of harm are often complicated and so are the steps towards long-term change. We try to remain flexible so that we can make changes and create new strategies when needed.

  • Patience - Respect is built over time and oftentimes it only takes one conflict for respect to be lost. We ask people to step out of expectations of quick results and take the time to create thoughtful solutions which will hold in the long run.

  • Building on What We Know (Organic) - We believe that we all as individuals, families, friendship networks, communities and cultures have a history of creative and community-based ways to resolve conflict. We want to remember, honor and build upon the positive things we have known and done throughout history.

  • Sustainability- We need to support each other to create change in ways that can last over the time it takes to successfully intervene. We encourage that solutions are built to last over the course of the intervention, over our lifetimes, and throughout future generations.

Desert Dominion Membership Information

A Desert Dominion membership entitles you to attend all Desert Dominion events.

Orientation is required for new members and former members who’s membership has lapsed for greater than 2 years.

All Desert Dominion Events will denote in the description whether it’s a “Members Only” event or an “Open to the Public” event + Cost of Entry

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Orientation is required prior to to attending any Desert Dominion Event that is a “Members Only” event.
There are no exceptions to this policy and you MUST attend an orientation to become a member of Desert Dominion. 

Orientations are offered multiple times per month: please see our calendar for updated dates/times.

Desert Dominion offers SIX types of memberships:

  • All membership categories provide the member voting rights as a shareholder in the organization during our announced Membership Meetings. 

  • The length of membership will be written on the membership cards beneath the expiration date so the desk person can easily tell how many guest passes the member is entitled to.

General Public: The fee is $5 or $5 additional to specially priced events (Seminars/Workshops and Non Play Party Special Events) and entitles you to a single event attendance at Discussion Groups, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Hands On Training (HOTs). This category CAN NOT be used for “Member Only” events and expires the same day. All other event fees still apply. Orientation is not mandatory for General Public Status but we require that you read and be familiar with Desert Dominion’s rules.

3 month – General Membership: The fee is $20 for three months and allows free access into discussion groups, Hands on Training (HOTs), Special Interest Groups, and other events that are Free To Members in the event description. You will be offered a special  Membership pricing to all DD events, as described in the event description (Play Parties, Themed Events, Seminars, Weekend Intensives and special events). 

6 month – General Membership: The fee is $30 for six months allows free access into discussion groups, Hands on Training (HOTs), Special Interest Groups, and events that are Free To Members in the event description. You will be offered a special  Membership pricing to all DD events, as described in the event description (Play Parties, Themed Events, Seminars, Weekend Intensives and special events). 

12 month – General Membership: The fee is $50 for 12 months allows free access into discussion groups, Hands on Training (HOTs), Special Interest Groups, and events that are Free To Members. You will be offered a special  Membership pricing to all DD events, as described in the event description (Play Parties, Themed Events, Seminars, Weekend Intensives and special events). 

3 month – All Access Membership: The fee is $75 for 3 months and allows free access into all Desert Dominion events, with exception of Weekend Intensives, Themed Play Parties, and special events. 

12 month – All Access Membership: The fee is $250 for 12 months and allows free access into all Desert Dominion events, with exception of Weekend Intensives, Themed Play Parties, and special events. 

General & All -Access Memberships Also Includes:

  • Guest Passes

    • Guest Passes are the boxes at the bottom of your membership card. Each empty box entitles you to bringing one guest to a play party.

    • Members who purchase a 1 year regular membership will receive 4 guest passes for that period, members who purchase a 6 month membership will receive 2 guest passes for that period, and members who purchase a 3 month membership will receive 1 guest pass for that period. Guest passes allow non-members to become “General Public Member” of Desert Dominion for the night. Guest passes are valid for Desert Dominion play parties only.

    • If you bring a guest, you must ARRIVE together, SIGN-IN together, and LEAVE together. Guests must read the Desert Dominion rules, present legal ID, and sign a party consent form.

    • YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR GUESTS CONDUCT. If they break any of our rules or cause an incident, it will also reflect on you.

    • Only 1 guest, per member, per play party is permitted.

    • Member must initial beside the guests name on the party consent form.

    • Guest passes do not “roll over” beyond current membership term and are non-transferable.

    • Guests may not be a person who is not in good standing with Desert Dominion.

    • DD members membership card will be punched when a guest pass is used in order to keep track of usage. If a member loses their membership card they will also lose their remaining guest passes.

  • Reciprocal Membership

    • Desert Dominion members are considered the same as members of other clubs that we have partnered with! At this time, the Reciprocal Membership applies to: Arizona Power Exchange (APEX) – Phoenix, Arizona

Desert Dominion Event Types

(Non-exhaustive List)

”Open to the Public”

  • Discussions

    • BIPOC Discussion

    • Non-Monogamy Discussion

    • Kink 101 Discussion

  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) 


    • Rope SIG

    • Littles, Pets, and Brats SIG

  • Seminars/Workshops

    • VARIES (cost unique to each event, presenter, and type)

  • Hands-On-Technical skill sessions (HOTs)

“Members Only”

  • Play Parties: Orientations will not be offered the days of play parties, as orientation must be done at least 24 hours in advance to parties. If an orientation has been taken prior, enrollment and renewal of expired memberships are available at the door. In order to renew, the expired Desert Dominion membership card must be shown. In order to attend play parties, you must be able to prove your membership to DD or a qualifying reciprocal club with a valid membership and you must have a driver’s license or state ID to show that you are above the age of 18. No one will be admitted to a play party without both a picture ID and a qualifying membership card.

    • Weekday Play Party (Can land on a Mon-Fri) – $10 General Member Discount/$15 Guests – Included in All Access membership

    • Weekend Play Party (Saturday’s Weekly) – $15 General Member Discount/$20 Guests – Included in All Access membership

      • To attend any of our Play Parties you must have an active (non-expired) DD Membership card and a photo ID. Qualifying reciprocal members will need their clubs membership card as well as a photo ID.

    • Special themed parties are a higher cost and are not covered under All Access memberships 

      • Themed Weekend Play Party – $20 for members/$25 for guests 

Desert Dominion accepts in-person cash and card payments.

Card payments will have an additional $1 transaction fee.